Fiber Optic Network Cable

  Fiber optic network cabletechnology has been one of the biggest boons in today’s world. These cables have single-handedly transformed the world of information interchange by acting as the backbone of international information exchange via the Internet. If you have not yet guessed it – these are the very cables that are used to lay the under-sea terabyte cable system that drives today’s entire Internet.
What is a fiber optic network cable?
   A fiber optic network cable is one that is used to carry optically encoded signal very fast with minimal interference and attenuation. In simpler words, the following features characterize these cables.
Optical transmission: Unlike other cables where the data is transferred as electrical signals, the data transfer in these networks take place as waves of light.
   Minimum interference: These cables have minimum possible interference. The external electro-magnetic signals are not allowed to hinder the core data transmission. The immunity to such external data source in these cables is excellent.
   Minimum attenuation: The attenuation of signal with fiber optic network cables is significantly low. Most of the signal strength remains intact as the signal passes on.
   High bandwidth: The amount of information that one such cable can simultaneously carry is tremendous. As a result, the bandwidth of an optical fiber cable is extremely high.
How can I use it at home?
   A fiber cable can be used at home for improvement in communication, in particular in cases where a high bandwidth is desired. The TV and the Internet are two of the most common occurrences where faster flow of data and information leads to a better experience. One can use these cables at home for connecting to the satellite TV hardware and for setting up wired Internet connection at home.
What are the benefits?
  There are a number of benefits of using fiber optic network cables. They are listed below.
   Excellent signal quality: Signal quality of fiber optic network cables are excellent. The minimal interference and minimum attenuation factors are the biggest contributors to this.
   Speed of communication: The high bandwidth leads to a high communication speed. As a result, the real time transmission experience makes the overall usage experience extremely pleasing. Real time activities become much more practicable with these network cables compared to any other cable.
   Secure communication: Since external signal can not easily interfere, the chances of the network being hacked and broken into are drastically reduced with an optical network compared to any other network. Thus the level of security is high in the process of communication.
   Weather resistance: These cables are well-known for their resistance to weather and temperature. They show stable characteristics of data carrying capacity while most other kinds of networks do not show such behavior. As a result, applications that require data transmission rates to be well-defined run well on such networks.
  Overall, fiber optic network cables are excellent at carrying high amounts of data fast and securely. Use them prudently and they will prove to be real assets in the longer run.

Post time: Jul-24-2019

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